Product Overview:
The 74LS595 is an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register integrated with an 8-bit D-type storage register. This IC features parallel 3-state outputs and distinct clocks for the shift register and storage register. Key inputs include a direct overriding clear (SRCLR), serial input (SER), and serial outputs designed for cascading multiple devices. When the output-enable (OE) input is high, the outputs enter a high-impedance state.
Note: The HC version (74HC595) is a high-speed CMOS variant and may be supplied depending on availability. It is fully compatible with the LS version and can be used interchangeably, though not vice versa due to the additional features in the HC version.
This shift register is ideal for expanding the number of output pins in microcontroller projects, offering flexibility and efficient data management.
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